National vision and strategy

In 2016 the Scottish Government set out a ten-year, national social enterprise strategy, detailing shared ambitions for social enterprise in Scotland, developed collabratively with the sector.

“A Vision for Social Enterprise: Over the next decade, social enterprise will be at the forefront of a new wave of ethical and socially responsible business in Scotland. It will become a far-reaching and valued alternative and a key part of the Scottish way of doing business.”

In 2021, following the global pandemic, acknowledgement and a renewed commitment to the impact of social enterprise within our economic and community level recovery was published. The Inclusive Growth through Social Enterprise; Scotland’s Social Enterprise Action Plan 2021-2024.


Local strategic and practical support

The Scottish Government outcome framework for Third Sector Interfaces (TSI) identifies the important role TSI’s have to play within the National Social Enterprise Strategy. As the Third Sector Interface for Angus, Voluntary Action Angus aims to promote, support and develop a strong, diverse social enterprise sector in Angus. We take responsibility for coordinating and supporting focus on priorities laid out in the local Social Enterprise Strategy for Angus.

We attend and contribute to multiple national forums and wider network events across Scotland; feeding into not only strategic partnerships across Angus but also national consultations, planning and development of resources collectively. TSI Social Enterprise Leads meet regularly to share good practise, strengthen opportunities for the sector improvement and collectively look to influence policy which can support the sector locally.

A National Voice for Social Enterprise

Social Enterprise Scotland (SES) is the enhanced single intermediary body responsible for representing the Scottish social enterprise sector. It is a national membership-led organisation in place to support local and national strategies and ongoing work to realise these collective ambitions. They have championed the sector for more than 15 years to help create a supportive policy environment for social enterprises.

Impact Measurement


The Social Enterprise Census is a biennial study that provides a comprehensive account of social enterprise activity in Scotland. It covers the scale, reach, contribution and characteristics of social enterprises, as well as their prospects and needs.