Voluntary Action Angus (VAA) is both a Charity and a Company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland and governed by a Board of Directors who are volunteers with significant background experience in working with local communities. The organisation currently has 30 paid employees and our work is complimented by volunteers. 

VAA is the Third Sector Interface (TSI) for Angus providing a central point of access for support and advice for the third sector. As the TSI, VAA supports, promotes, and advocates for the third sector and identifies development opportunities for community groups, voluntary organisations, social enterprises, and volunteers. 

The third sector includes charities, community and voluntary groups, social enterprises, and other non-profit bodies which deliver essential services, contribute to economic growth, support communities, and help improve people’s wellbeing. 

As agreed with the Scottish Government VAA delivers four specific themes of work:


Our Values

  • Local and national policy and how it might affect the third sector, communities and show how the Third Sector can contribute to these agendas
  • Ensuring a strong Third Sector voice at a strategic level within local and national planning​
  • Strong strategic partner with Angus Health and Social Care Partnership and Angus Community Planning Partnership
  • Developing the capacity of volunteering, community groups, voluntary organisations, and social enterprise to achieve positive change
  • Providing leadership, vision, and co-ordination to the local Third Sector to better respond to local priorities through partnership and collaboration

Funded by Scottish Government, VAA’s core role is to: 

  • Build inclusive and buoyant volunteering cultures where all people enjoy the right to volunteer 
  • Create a sustainable dynamic and innovative social enterprise movement democratically led by local people delivering local services 
  • Develop the capacity of the third sector creating a fairer economy 
  • Facilitate change within partnerships where the third sector has a central role in decision making and culture change 
  • Empower communities to care 
  • Combat poverty 
  • Provide learning and facilitation of better approaches towards working with communities and civic health 

VAA strategic work is influential and recognised at all levels of Health and Social Care Integration, making an important contribution on strategic leadership within the Angus Integrated Joint Board (IJB). The Angus IJB is responsible for strategic planning of integrating health and social care to improve autonomy for service users, patients, carers and their families. 

Board of Directors:

VAA is governed by a Board of Directors who volunteer their experience and skills to progress the work of the staff team to ensure that the key functions and additional outcomes are met and delivered to the best standard. The Board of Directors are:

  • Bill MuirChairperson
  • Julie Bell
  • Rhona Guild
  • Kenny Lee
  • Anne Callendar