What is Telephone Befriending?

Telephone befriending is a vital service for the community of Angus. Our Telephone Befriender Co-ordinator currently supports all befrienders and also ensures that befrienders and befriendees are suitably matched based on common interests etc. Our befriender volunteers support over 200 people each week by calling them, having a chat and ensuring they are well and managing. Those who receive telephone befriending benefit immensely from the service.

Benefits for volunteer befrienders:

Benefits for befriendees:

"My mental health had been so low, for many years, but when I was 21 I finally had a Telephone Befriender Volunteer to talk to. It improved my mental health and I got happy for the first time ever."
" I was a Telephone Befriendee before taking on the role of Volunteer Telephone Befriender. I don't know how I would have coped with the feelings of loneliness and isolation, without the reassurance and companionship of my Volunteer Telephone Befriender."
"During my time of using the service I have experienced 3 family bereavements. The weekly chats with my Volunteer Telephone Befriender have really helped to divert my mind from the sadness and loneliness I have felt, I always feel more at peace and relaxed after our chats."

Getting started

If you would like to reap the benefits of carrying out the role of a Volunteer Telephone Befriender or would like to sign up to our befriending service, contact our Telephone Befriending Coordinator today!